
#6-7 Photography in the context of Romanian art schools

This issue on photography intends to offer a possible synthetic image of the multiple ways in which this dominant, even ”imperialistic,” medium is understood and utilized in nowaday’s Romanian art. After six years from a previous collective volume dedicated to this subject, Revista ARTA invited the best-known Romanian visual artists, critics, and curators who dealt with photography, to collaborate in this issue, consistent from many points of view. The two coordinators of the issue – Iosif Király and Simona Dumitriu – have conceived a transversal section through a very arborescent domain: from the presentation of the departments of photography within the main universities of art in Romania to the pre- and post-1989 history of this medium in the local visual arts; from projects of well-known artists to projects of still young and student artists; from essays and theorical texts on photography to the analysis of the modalities in which this medium has been used in the interdisciplinary research. If we add to all this the interviews, the exhibition reviews, the reviews of books of art, and the art inquiery, all of them mostly dedicated to the same common denominator of the issue – we hope the image proposed by Revista ARTA of the complex way photography dominates and permeates the present-day Romanian visual scene becomes consistent and credible.


Magda Carneci, Editor-in-chief


Cristina Bogdan

Founder and editor-in-chief, between 2014-19, of the online edition of Revista ARTA. Co-founder of East Art Mags, a network of contemporary art magazines from eastern and Central Europe. Runs ODD, a s...